3 tips to make more sales for your online business in Nigeria

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Have you posted your products on social media and nobody buys them? You might feel discouraged and want to stop. Please wait, as I will share 3 tips that can bring your more sales for your online business in Nigeria or anywhere in Africa. If you want to sell more online, you need to master the following – presentation of your product online, targeting customers on the right platform and creating your own platform for long term results. On the left is a video where I talk about these 3 tips. Read further to learn more.

Tip 1: The right presentation attracts more online customers

Most people rely on their smartphone pictures to promote their products. Yes, you can use a smartphone to take your product pictures but I want you to know that pictures are a visual representation of your product. Remember that the customers are not right in front of you and they cannot see the product. The customers rely solely on the pictures you post to make a purchase decision. The pictures show the customer what you are selling and also represents your online business in Nigeria. Therefore it is very important to create the best possible picture for your products. There is a whole science and psychology behind visual representation of products, but I want to give you some quick tips here.

Number 1, make sure to take high quality pictures.

High quality does not mean you have to invest in new photography gears. You can use your phone. All you need is the natural sunlight to give you good lighting. The picture should be clear and taken on a background that enhances your products. There is so much competition in online business. So you want to present your products better than your competitors, right? Remove extra distractions and focus on only that product. You can take a look at this pillow cushion case that we sell on our platform to see how clear and distraction free we represent it.

Number 2, more is better

Take as many pictures from different angles and close up as possible.  A close up is meant to show details of the product. So for example if the product has special features, like the kind of material, a special finishing technique. Your goal should eto show these details properly. Create multiple pictures to display the product very well. Professionals and bigger brands invest in editorial pictures. What are editorial pictures? They show the lifestyle of the product. So it might not simply be only the product that is shown but how the product is used and the flair of the product.

Extra product display tips for online

Customers are not right in front of you, which means that they rely on the information you give them about a product. You must add a description of the product.  The more you describe the product, the easier it is for the customer to visualise and imagine the product. This would help the customer make a purchase decision and therefore lead to even more sales online for your online  business in Nigeria.

Tip 2: Target your customers where they are.

This is key and so important. I have seen too many people post their products on platforms because they believe it’s a social media platform, which is free and there are many customers there. Are you sure? Have you researched to see that the potential customer is on that particular platform? Do not restrict yourself to social media platforms. There are many selling platforms which already have the potential customers that you might be looking for. Your clients might not even live in Nigeria or your community. That is the beauty of online business.

Other platforms to leverage selling

You can leverage on these already existing networks to post your products on. Most of these selling platforms online are free but you need to to register on them. And by the way many have their own product picture minimum quality requirements.. Some examples include Etsy, Jumia, Amazon, Ebay, Ruby Lane and Bonanza. Do your research to find out where your customers might be. I will release a blog and video about how to know where your customers are. So if you want to know when I release this content, make sure to be subscribed to my newsletter and YouTube channel  – Joadretv where I release the videos.

Think long term side income – develop your own platform

This might sound off the topic but believe you me, if you are in Africa today, you might have to start developing new skills to be able to meet the demand of the 21st century. Look at it, over 50% of Africans are beneath the age of 25 years. So these potential customers grow up in the digital age. In 10 years, they will buy more products online. Moreover, if you are in Nigeria and want to build an online business in Nigeria, you should start developing your own platform.

Why to develop your own platform?

Right now, you have about 47% of Nigerians online. In 2023, just 3 years from now, it will be about 85%. So more people are coming online. Imargine 85% of the 204 million Nigerians and many would shop online. So if you start building your own platform and collecting emails of these potential customers, you will have a sound foundation to sell and market more products online. How do you build your own platform? You can start easily by  launching your own website or blog.

This is very easy, even without digital skill, although you should learn more digital skills now, but even without, there are simple programs you can use to develop your own platform. If you are looking for a platform to host your own website or blog, you can visit Whogohost using my Affiliate link – My link. I will release more training content on how to create your own platform. So remember to follow on all my platforms like instagram, facebook, Youtube and subscribe to my newsletter.

3 key takeaways from this blog.

To promote your products online and make more online sales;

  1. Focus on presenting the products well using distraction free pictures.
  2. You must know who your target customers are and what platforms they use so that you can reach them there.
  3. Think long term to develop your own platforms.

Hey, thank you so much for stopping by and reading through to the end. I really appreciate it, because it takes so much to put this together. Hope you liked it. If you did, remember to share this blog on social media. Yes, more free training and videos on this topic will be out this month on YouTube. Not to miss out,  subscribe and turn on the notification on Youtube. It would be nice if you follow me on instagram as I share daily strategies and personal fun stuff. I am on facebook as well but to get it all in one place, subscribe to my free newsletter. Drop your comments, questions, feedback beneath using the comment section and I will be happy to answer your questions in my next video or blog.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!



Useful links:

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joadreofficial/
  • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/joadretv
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjoadre/
  • Joadre blog: https://joadre.com/blog/
  • Joadre Newsletter: https://joadre.com/newsletter

I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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