Your clothes can prevent trafficking. My TEDx Talk

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Such a pity that my first life TEDx experience in 2016 was when I had to host my TEDx talk, but the good thing is that I now know that every small step towards sustainable life is better than nothing at all, like Cornelia Diesenreiter from Unverschwendet said. I heard so many inspiring ideas from Music for deaf people by Raphael Silva,  then came the “Worms” from David Witzeneder who would help me reduce the time I spend disposing waste, to Symptoma by Jarna Nateqi that could save a quarter million lives using a brilliant diagnostics search engine.

Your clothes can prevent one woman from being a victim of human trafficking… Joana Adesuwa Reiterer.

And then of course there was a recall about the refugee crises by Julian Pöschl and his “Train of Hope” of how hundreds of volunteers worked tremendously to cater for over 200.000 people when the Viennese main train station become transit and home for many fellows from Syria. Unbelievable that I have know the Strawberries “bloody Women”, Betinna and Annemarie  for quite a while now but have never, until yesterday at the speakers lounge,  held the period-cup in my hands. Then I met the “Iceman and pylori, presented by Dimitrij Tureav who emphasized how a second glance could be worth the while.

All the way from San francisco came the thought of redefining what society says is beautiful. Michelle Serna challenged the audience to say “yes, I know. Thank you” after receiving a compliment. Then came the 9 year old Alma who finally had the chance to embrace her multiple identity als Bosnian and Austrian. The self-esteem of a child could be built or destroyed, depending on our approach to human diversity and identities. An extremely beautiful talk by Alma Zadic a brilliant senior associate, sharing her story as the 9 year old Alma.

Oh yes, I felt moved and empowered by the multiple feedback in black and white, in a glass with my name on it. These positive feedback affirmed my vision to restructure global cash-flow in the retail of consumer goods, to increase the income margin for people actually making our goods. A simple solution that would give people at risk to be victims of human trafficking more value for their jobs and skills, making them content in their own homes, giving them the power to ignore luring promises of human traffickers.

It was a tremendous and intensive TEDx experience created by Matthias Hass, his core team and many volunteers. But also an experience created by the audience themselves. The atmosphere, the openness of the audience to generously motivate the speakers with applauses and standing ovations. The patience of the audience to let the day go slow and relaxed as they absorb intensive ideas floating in fresh sunday air above the waters of the Danube island. It was beautiful to enjoy the lovable rhythm played by Moritz Gabriel.  To dance to the vibes by the young music band, Flowrag that crowned the day  and paved the way to a delicious multi national buffet, making you ask why such good a meal had to be the end of the day.

Thank you TEDx donauinsel team for hosting the day, for having me as a speaker, for giving us at Joadre a platform to share our vision, our mission, our message to the sexiest audience ever!

We love #make a choice.

Cheers from Joadre. Joana

I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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