Joadre Editorial

Joadre Editorial team is an international mix of experts in the field of human rights, entrepreneurship and global politics. We are passionate to educate and create equity for Africans and the Africa continent.

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How Does The Authentic “YOU” Look Like?

Have you ever asked yourself, Who am I? Is this all there is? Am I authentic to me? These profound questions often emerge when life’s routines no longer bring satisfaction. For Ceri, an Austrian-based Kenyan life coach,...

Exploring the Intersection of Spirituality and Science

Join us on Bold With Jo as Chief Olukunmi explores Yoruba spirituality, lineage, and the divine connection that shapes our purpose and identity.

The 1885 Scramble for Africa and Its Lasting Impact on Africa Today

Explore the lasting impact of the 1885 Scramble for Africa on the continent's borders, economy, and political landscape today. Understand how colonial history shapes modern Africa's challenges and progress.

Adapting American Fast Food Consumption Will Make Africa Poor

 Discover how the adoption of American Fast food consumption in Africa poses significant risks to health and economic stability.

Harnessing Global African Power & Diaspora Remittances for African Development.

Explore global African power and diaspora remittances. 160 million Africans diasporas forwarded more than $95 billion in remittances.

Be persistent | The Inspiring Journey of Pierre David Guetta.

Greetings, aspiring artists! Imagine being born in the 1960s and starting your career as a DJ at the young age of 16, just like many talented Nigerian artists do. You work hard, MCing and energizing the...

3 Low-capital Business To Launch In Africa In 2024

Launch a Low-Capital Business from either of these 3 ideas despite infrastructural challenges. And here is how! 

Unleashing Opportunities: Harnessing the Creative Industry for Job Creation in Nigeria

5 no-brainer incentives to make Nigeria's creativity become a driving force for positive change and sustainable employment.

Use The Funding List Of The JoadreTRIBE App

Find funding programmes that are both local, national, and international. Learn how to leverage the information in our app.



Want To Develop Your Business Ideas? Use The Joadre 6 key approach.

Learn how to develop your business ideas using our signature 6-key method - from crafting the right concept to finance and launch.

Building freedom with Osato

Over 22000 Migrants have lost their lives on the high sea trying to migrate from their home country to Europe. Because these migrants cannot...

Success Begins Now! Prime, Deprogram And 5 More Tips.

Success begins now. Own your life and define what happiness means to you. Here are 7 takeaways from 2021

Top 10 Low-Capital Business Ideas

Here are 10 low-capital ideas we know would work for you in Africa. So why wait? Great business ideas when you stay authentic.

10 things to include in your business plan!

Anytime we hear business plan, the name alone could scare us and make us feel like this is going to be a very tedious and non-rewarding process. No it would not! So many people do not really know where to start from. And hell yes, they are justified. How do you start creating a business plan for a business that…