4 Sustainable Entrepreneurship must-follow Enthusiast developing Nigeria

  • Picture: Sustainable entrepreneurship enthusiasts in Nigeria

As in the case of every human society, entrepreneurs are important agents of economic transformation by their wealth generation. They create of employment, promote entrepreneurial culture and sometimes, embolden indigenous entrepreneurship. Sustainable entrepreneurship enhances these qualities even stronger! However, in the profit-driven world we live in today, many entrepreneurs have thrown caution to the wind! Many choose to sacrifice humanity in exchange for profit. It is a choice!

Profit is great and Sustainable entrepreneurship offers profit!

What are we saying? There is an increase disregard for the environment. Some are less concerned about their employee’s welfare and/or even social development. It becomes all about profit or nothing. While we are not saying profit is not good, creating sustainability for our world & here now is ‘importanter’. In our commitment to sustainable entrepreneurship, we have selected 4 must-follow entrepreneurs developing their spaces in Nigeria. They are not only doing well in their business but are sustainability-driven.

Adebusola Patrick-Omale

Busola is a Lagos based sustainable fashion stylist and dressmaker. She specializes in Ankara ready to wear, Avant-Garde, Vintage, Retro and Classic dresses for classy women. The name of her brand is SoigneByBusola.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship partnership Project with Busola

She’s currently looking into collaborating with foreign partners to market and distribute her products in the international fashion market. This will make the brand a force to reckon with in the global fashion industry. 

Cyrus45 by Olabanke Subair

Olabanke Subair is the creative founder of Cyrus45, a sustainable furniture company based in Lagos, Nigeria. Banke and her team upcycles used tyres which ordinarily, if not utilized for a secondary purpose would eventually cause environmental pollution. They pick up these tyres, clean them and sanitize them before work begins. Through extensive and creatively work on them, Cyrus45 make stools, ottomans and all kinds of eco-friendly furniture pieces. Olabanke and her team had so far upcycled over 2000 units of used tyres. This is an extraordinary contribution to cut down the environmental hazard caused by improperly disposed used tyres.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship partnership Project with Banke.

Olabanke is eager to work with international business developers and tech enthusiasts. The goal is to make her product accessible to the diasporan market and scale. Scaling will imply she extend the sustainable project idea to other communities still battling with how to dispose of tyres, train interested candidates in these communities and create a social impact. By the way, tyres lying around is a penthouse for mosquito breeding!

Aderonke Nofiu

Aderonke trained as a Psychologist at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. She has chosen sex and relationship counselling and therapy as her area of specialization. She’s been creating series of online content where she advised young and old people going through emotionally tough times in their sex and relationship life to figure out the problem and probable solutions. She also offers online counselling sessions for individuals who require her service. She’s a volunteer at numerous humanitarian groups as her own way of impacting her own society.  Check her on YouTube “Dear Ronke” and subscribe to her channel and on Instagram as “dearronke”   for more.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship partnership Project with Ronke

She is currently planning to open a therapy hub where individuals with sex issues and relationships can visit, relax, pour out their minds. Her hub will provide professional counsel that could put them on the right path of the solution to their challenges. She’s seeking for business developers and mental health enthusiasts to collaborate with to bring the vision to fruition

Precious Roju

Precious Roju is a Lagos based Corporate Lawyer and author. She specializes in business and legal structure, helping clients; startups, both foreign and local companies and investors to solve or even avoid an unreasonable and costly legal misstep. She has assisted and still assists several international investors with corporate structuring and restructuring in Nigeria. She delivers extraordinary value sharing information consistently on her Instagram page – Asklawyerprecious

Sustainable Entrepreneurship partnership Project with Precious.

Precious is looking forward to collaborating with diasporans interested in entering the Nigerian market as their own way of impacting their society by investing in their home country. She offers a legal service of business structuring and acquisition of all licenses such business or investment needs to fully and legally operate in Nigeria. 

Connect with extraordinary sustainable entrepreneurship enthusiasts

Alongside our traditional Web platform and backend business support programmes, we are currently developing a business smartphone app  – Joadre Tribe App for entrepreneurs. Our mission is to increase conscious business development within Africa and promote direct partnership with European entrepreneurs. Connect with us to reach any of these extraordinary sustainable entrepreneurship enthusiasts. Expect more from these 4 women as we support them through the growth of their ideas.


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