Discover Your Authentic Self And Develop Your Idea 

Every human being has something very special and so unique about them like their ideas and their purpose. Yes, I mean it. Even when we all might share very universal emotions and nowadays, lifestyles. The truth is that you have your authentic self right within you. That is who you are. All the noise and identities life has forced upon you is not who you are. For us at Joadre, we know that for you to get great ideas to launch your projects, you need to stay true to yourself. But how easy is this in our world today? 

The game changer approach – discover you!

I personally met Ceri Samvilian a couple of years ago at an event in Vienna where we were both speakers. Ceri is a certified authenticity life coach. She got on stage to share her message “discovering our authentic self”. Previously, I had not really focused on authenticity as a personal development process to enhance entrepreneurship. But as she spoke and later on, we met a couple of times to share ideas, I began to see how impactful this would be for entrepreneurs. 

Does your idea resonate with your authentic self?

You know that to create a solution or start an idea, you have to believe in it yourself and the idea. This means it has to be something you truly care about. Something that resonates with you. Right? But how do you resonate with something if it is not authentic to you? This is where the journey begins. When people search for great business ideas, I encourage them to tap within first and listen to the message they have been given. But if you cannot connect with yourself, how can you hear the message? How can you find the ideas? How can you create sustainable solutions?

Join our 2 – day program to develop your idea and discover you

We have developed a process to help you through discovering you and then transforming what you find into a great idea which you can either execute as a business or a project. I am so excited to announce that, together with Ceri, the authenticity queen, we have curated this special program that merges both of our expertise together. An Ideas and Self development program called “ACTIVATE”. 

It is a 2 – day program and we provide you with accomodation at our Lodge, feeding and relaxation sessions. Click to visit our Yellow Lodge space and read more about the program as your coaches. You know you are made for more. There is something you are passionate about. And you are willing to take action. Activate your power and begin your path. 

Our intensive program consisting of diverse activities is designed to help you unpack your thoughts and systematically develop your ideas. 

Idea Development – Exploring structured processes to create

You might have an idea to start a project that would bring about social change. Within this 2 day program you will find tools that would help you bring that idea into a real initiative, project or business. These tools and templates you will have access to can be used even after the program. Our goal is to help you transform them into fruition.  

Self Development – A Journey to self Discovery

This is beyond ideas development. We want you to tap into your authentic self as you explore your vision, that is why you will have sessions where you can use innovative tools, like the Ceri Samvilian new journal and exercises, to discover and activate the power in you. 

And we did not stop there, we have some more experience planned out to make you take out the best of the time you dedicated with us and to your self development. As both of us come from the motherland, Africa, we bring in some of our traditions along into the 2 day session like the Iboya practice. You can learn more on our Lodge page under local guide

The future is beautiful  with your authentic self

The world today needs people who are true. Who believe in a better world. Not driven by the expectations of others or the need for validation, but authentic humans who choose love. Let’s begin this journey with you. Lets guide you to explore and develop solutions to make the future a whole lot more beautiful. We want to keep every session within a very small group of about 4 people. We encourage you to check availability and make your reservations to join our program soon. 

Get our app, stay in touch and let’s build together

Still with the intention to provide more tools for you, we created our tailored all-in-one app to offer up-to-date knowledge, provide exposure for social entrepreneurs and offer coaching services. Get the app (Android version) here and for IOS users, a webapp version and IOS version is on its way, sign up for our newsletter here to know when it’s out and get the consistent ressources via email. If you want to contact us, use our contact form or consult us  through the app. I look forward to welcoming you at our Yellow Lodge Space and in our ACTIVATE program.

Thank you for reading to the end. 



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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