How to transform your fear to courage.

Hey, I am so happy that you are reading this short blog. It has been a hell of a week for me as I have been following the issues happening in Nigeria. Read my blog on the Nigeria anti-police brutality blog. Nevertheless, I took some time to release this week’s video and blog. Check our JoadreTv here to watch the previous videos.

So let’s talk about “fear”!. How can you transform it to courage?

As humans, we must experience fear every now and then. That is what makes us humans. Fear is often a protector for us. But fear can also be our own hindering block to courage. Especially when we want to do something presidential, something that might be new, different. Or maybe just because we are afraid of being exempted or expelled from your communities, we let fear rule our lives. SOmetimes, simply just having the attention on you might make you allow your fears to dictate how you engage with people, what you wear, how you speak, who you hang out with and so on. As fear is good, fear is also dangerous, not only for us but also for others.

Courage will not wait for fear to disappear!

If you wait for the fear to disappear, you will never take action. Courage is not doing stuff in the absence of fear. Courage is when you do despite fear. You will never be courageous if you wait for a time when you will not be afraid. I remember when I learned about Nigerian women being trafficked to Europe and sent on the streets as prostitutes, I was so scared to say something. I was really worried about how the people in “that” community will treat me. Fear, indeed, can keep people enslaved! Today, I am excited and thankful that we started the charity EXIT, the Joadre fashion project and are still working on many more projects against human trafficking. With everyday, the fear becomes manageable and your courage grows stronger.

Is there a quick fix to fear?

Yes there is actually. Find the next logical small action to take and do it! That’s all it takes to become courageous. I dedicate 4 videos for every topic. I will share my own personal experience with fear and how I could overcome some of them and what happened when I Couldn’t in upcoming videos. It’s a process. You have to start with the very little actions of being brave. That’s how you train your courage muscles. Do not wait for the big actions where you might get a medal before you employ courage.

So I hope I was able to inspire you this week. Share your own personal journey to courage with us and see you next week as we explore this topic from a new perspective. Remember to check my YouTube channel, follow me on instagram and visit my German online shop for more updates about my work.

I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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