Nigerians protest police brutality is far more than SARs!

It’s been days since the protest has been happening on the streets as Nigerians protest police brutality. One might say the CoVid pandemic shutdown increased pressure on the youths as the economic situation worsens. There is frustration and so people feel like they have nothing to lose. But what about this thought process? There has been frustration amongst the youths even before the Covid shutdown. The constant fast life pace to survive swallowed any headspace to stop and think. Stop and think can unveil new perspectives. 

What if the shutdown allowed people to really see the threats ahead of them? What if the shutdown created a fear that became an instrument to demand change? Nigerians, especially between the ages of 18 and 28 have often heard their parents tell tales of how things used to be better. These times are gone. They have nothing now to lose as these youths have never really enjoyed the glory of a nation they love. Thanks to social media and a new way of thinking, people can organise themselves more effectively. 

Unusual kinds of jobs can get you killed!

Many youths embrace the new era of digital technology and are in contrast to traditional thinking doing business on a laptop. They hardly wear suits or carry serious briefcases. With no need to front white collar identity, many youths can carry on with their digital and tech jobs wearing just jogging pants, a laptop and a backpack. No need to remove the tattoos or golden bleached hair. No need to carry modest makeup. Everything is more internal. External looks don’t have to fit a job description anymore for many in Nigeria. Can the older generation wrap their minds around this new era? 

Why is Ikechukwu in his pyjamas at 11am? Wh his he typing an unreadable programming language on a black screen for which the generator has to be turned on for hours? Maybe the problem is not the pyjamas but the fact that Ikechukwu has to turn on the generator for hours. This shows you how daily live struggle for infrastructure like power supply affects even the new breed of labor. 

Nigerians protest police brutality and say it is time for change!

There are reports of countless 419s and Yahoo boys who happen to be Nigerians using the internet as a platform to extort people around the world. There are lazy young women who hope to hit it off by marrying one of such flamboyant Yahoo boys. All these exist but those young entrepreneurs freeing themselves from the social norms that do not improve their lives and working extremely hard to be globally competitive, also exist alongside. In fact they are the majority. The Nigerian police disenforced SARs unit judges a person’s genuity by their appearance. 

How can he be in the agric business if he does not carry a bag of cassava wearing an old Agbada? Is she really selling clothes carrying a laptop and POS around? Why does he have 2 bank accounts cards if he did not steal both? Over the years there has been police brutality resulting to unjust killings, sexual abuse, detention and more physical abuse. Nigerian youths say it’s enough and ask the government to wake up to the new times. 

Wake up woke world to support #BetterNigeria

However, it is also time for the global media, economic powerhouses and politic that indirectly or directly profit or have profited from the continents ressources, manpower, markets to support the youths and young adults on this journey to a better Nigeria. Believe me these young adults will be the partners of the next generation for Europe. 

We do not need to see another police brutality video from north America to protest all over Europe for human rights and justice. Do we? Nigeria has well over 200 million black Africans living in the country. As you see through the still ongoing peaceful protest, there are many young black people ready, willing to demand justice and betterment of their country. 

Where are the social media friends who activated their voices on social media a couple of months ago after the incidence in America? You can hashtag #BetterNigeria and post images, text or videos of support for the protesters and peaceful protest. We will stay updated on this protest. Come back next week for more details or follow me on my social media profiles – Facebook, Youtube, Instagram. 
I thank those of you who have been supporting my work to improve entrepreneurship in Nigeria. Visit our TV page to view our weekly vlog and our blog page to read more training blogs on building sustainable entrepreneurship. You can also visit our german website to see more of how we support Nigerian entrepreneurs.

I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.


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