Start a business in 2021. Is it still possible?

2021 is  definitely a year that many of us were eager to enter simply because of the pandemic that overwhelmed 2020. With the global economic crisis and the irregular shutdown, work-life restrictions, one might become worried whether to start a business or not this year. What if there is one shutdown after the other?  Would I have enough customers? These are legitimate questions. In this blog, I want to show you the opportunities you will have in 2021 and how to take advantage of these opportunities. 

Focus on life’s essentials to start a business. 

Look at it this way, even in the pandemic, there were some businesses that still kept running. They just had to otherwise nothing will work, people will die even more and there will be kaos. It’s exactly in these sectors you should consider to start a business this year. These are vital businesses offering products and services that everyone must consume. 

Food and agricultural produce is a must. Water supply and sanitation is a must. Health care, shelter and education is a must. Grocery and clothing to an extent is a must. Entertainment became a must. Effective logistics as well became even more necessary. I can continue listing some sectors that somehow will continue despite any restrictions but for this purpose of this blog, let’s focus on these 3 essential sectors – food, health and education. 

Start a business in the food sector

Now let’s go beyond the traditional food business thinking. Within this industry you can focus on a different niche. From cultivation of agricultural produce to preparing the food for the customer. And in between there are so many services that can create a business. But let’s look into a low cost startup that is pandemic proof. Because people will eat and if they were to grow the home-office concepts, many would rather want healthy food delivered to their homes, maybe even bulk cooking, you can professionalise your offers. 

You can provide working class professionals with top notch healthy soups, stews, accompanying produce like rice, yam and deliver once or multiple times a week to their homes.  All you need to start this is your kitchen, some good delivery boxes, advertising and investment in the major food stuff. If you are smart, you actually create a platform where your customers can order and pay in advance, so you have the needed cash to source food stuff. 

Starting off in the health sector

Health is so essential to human existence that people are willing to consume health services that can support a healthier life for them. In Nigeria, there is a scarcity of doctors not to talk to therapists. Why not think of developing a platform where doctors, pharmacist can attend to clients online using video conferencing, telephone calls and such? It might sound way too big to do, but believe me, it is possible. 

Always start with a business strategy and plan out what you will require. When you do this, you will see that it is possible. You can earn from the consultations commission, you can begin to deliver the medications if you partner with a delivery company, you can also sell healthy supplements on your platform. 

Education sector is key!

Even without a shutdown, remember the continuous school strikes that happen? Students would need to learn. Teachers would need to find new ways to teach their students. Also the curriculums need to be updated. There are very many ways to start off here. One of the low cost alternatives is to develop a network of teachers and professors or tutors who you can dispatch to teach students through your platform. Many children from the upper middle class families focused on online teaching during lockdowns. On the other side, many platforms they used were foreign platforms. So what are you waiting for? You can start the next Nigerian/African platform. 

A quick twist for 2021

Because this is our first blog this year, I want to use this opportunity to remind you that “GRATITUDE” is key for our journey this year. If we want to look into all the bad and shocking experiences from 2020, then be rest assured 2020 had much to offer. From pandemic to recessions in many countries, to us losing Boseman Chadwick to cancer and George Floyd to police brutality in the US. Then #endsars peaceful protest disbanded by the Nigerian army in brutal violence causing loss of lives. The refugee camp on fire in Moria, Greece leaving 13000 without shelter.  Trust me, I can continue listing. However, if you read this post, then you are among those who made it to 2021. 

Stop surviving. Live life and start a business!

Let’s try to get from surviving to living our lives once more to the fullest. One from many secret tools I know that always work is practicing gratitude. No matter who you are, what you experienced and what your fears might be. When you find just one simple, yet significant experience to be grateful for, it seems the sun is shining down on you again. Very often I see that people complain about the funds to start their business, but there are ways to start a low capital business. Check my blog on how to start a low capital business to enlighten yourself. And if you are still looking for more ideas, you sure should read our blog on 12 online businesses students can start now in Nigeria. 

I hope you liked this blog opening our year. To stay connected, remember to subscribe to our newsletter. For quick content, watch some of our youtube videos on our Tv page. Follow me on our social media handles. I wish you a strong, prosperous and fulfilling year. 



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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