Spirituality In Business| Deep Mindfulness For Entrepreneurs.

How can we transcend into spirituality in our business space? To transcend means to go beyond the status quo, a range or limits constructed by our society. However, these limits get adopted by us as individuals. We as individuals, being functioning members of the society in which we live in create the soceity. By nature, we allow these limits or sets of range to exist. They end up governing our everyday life and very often many feel that something is not right? A  deep sense of fulfillment is absence.

On a global scale millions are suffering, others escaping their misery and a few gallivanting their explorations. Can we transcend through economics? Is spirituality in business one door we can let open? If at this junction, your aim is to find business ideas, then visit our blog on ideas to start. But if you seek to expand as an entrepreneur, continue this read.

The nonsense of today’s institutions vs. Spirituality In Business.

Today, traditional educating systems and institutions are very linear in approach. Many of us assume that economics is a highly intellectual dealing better left for the skilled to master. Spirituality too, we assume, is reserved in orthodox religions meant for the few chosen to contemplate. We let these very important aspects of our lives in the hands of others, some we will never hear of. I too have been guilty of this programming. It is all nonsense as it makes no sense.  We, the individuals in the society practice economics in our day to day life. Practiced in the form of business, trade, entrepreneurship, our professional careers, our purchase, our consumption.

Many of us spend over one third of our days strolling across various economic structures, offering products/services for money or by being the recipient of the products or services. One third of our lives is encouraged to be disconnected from our spiritual being, hence we fall short of bodily efficiency. Must we not rethink and revive deep sincere spirituality within business?

How much do you care about Economics?

Economic activities are now so embedded into out daily routines. As a result, we get disconnected from the actual reason for which we trade, hustle or consume daily. But let me follow the very basic and simple “to go” answer. Why would we respond to the 5am alarm, get dressed and then hurry to work? For many, it is to put food on the table for ourselves and loved ones. To create security around us. In the most basic sense, this is very correct. But if in its most basic sense, the essence is to give us one of our very essential needs, nourishment and security to afford the life we truly seek for or are programmed to seek for, then “Economics” indeed is a very essential part of our life. What do you think? Should we not then integrate spirituality in business strongly into our system?

My spirituality definition of economics

Mechanically, a dictionary would define Economics as a branch of knowledge that is concerned  with production, consumption and transfer of wealth. even in Wikipedia, you can see how its very mechanics and technicalities dominate the centre of this science. From a more human centred perspective, I would rather define economics as a vital part of our human experience that concerns what we create (Give), what we receive (Take) and  the purpose of this give-take interaction in our communities within the natural ecosystem. Looking at economics from this latter definition, what would it mean to you and your business structure? 

Many world religions, at their core, teach this very principle. However, many religious institutions have given into the material agenda. They have therefore, not only failed to practice the very principle upon which they were founded, but also denied us access. Allowing humans to become the commodity. Then promoting this ideology subtly through a linear education to foster and continually feed this construct. I remain optimistic as I have also come to know many sincerely religious people too.

Trade – an elemental activity of humankind. 

In the older days of humankind, our ancestors in Africa would trade by barter. If I had yams from my farm, and someone else from the neighbouring village had great soap making skills, we would meet during a market day and exchange according to the value we bestow on the products. This form of trade expanded into cultures were African traders travelled far and wide, across the Sahara to exchange goods with their mates from far kingdoms.  

African farmers had dozens of rituals to care for the soil, from which the nourishment to produce the healthy yams came from, to the festivals of thanksgivings and offerings after harvest. Even the market days had its own spirituality surrounding it. Indigenous communities know then the importance of spirituality throughout this process.These practices formed and strengthened a spiritual bond and culture between members of a specific community. I do not intend to glorify the past in order to demonise  the present, nor do I attempt to suggest utopic accent times, I simply want us to find a deep source of wisdom to learn from. Spirituality can help you create strong connections even within daily activities that seem to have routinised themselves.  

What does progress mean?

Does progress mean to strip all forms of spirituality for efficiency? It will be like dissecting the human soul from its body to make the body more productive. Actually that’s where we are heading now under the disguise of efficiency and accuracy. We have lost the purpose of the give-take interaction within our global society. Are we forgetting the very BASIC essence of our daily economics, to serve as nourishment for ourselves and our communities? Fact is that millions of people, over 45 million actually live under slavery like condition. Is that progress for our human kind? Millions of children are ill due to malnutrition (malnourishment) like never before. 

The very opposite effect of the basic essence of economics which was to “nourish” us. By the way, malnourishment includes to a very large extent overnutrition. Overnutrition is when we consume excess dietary energy, leading to chronic health issues like obesity. So the extremes of under,- and overnutrition combines to create a testimony that economic progress is currently not favourable to our human kind. Alongside many beautiful souls who have already suggested something similar,  I urge and suggest we rethink our economic approach from micro to macro. Reintegrating human spirituality into every aspect of our human experience with economics is exclusively urgent. 

How do we start to incorporate spirituality in business?

To transcend into  spirituality in business starts by incorporating “compassion and empathy” into your space. Your space begins with you and expands to your business model and work community. Spirituality in business or entrepreneurship is not corporate social responsibility because spirituality is never after the fact. Many get scared of judgement when they hear spirituality, especially in industrialised cities meant to function effectively where the idea of spirituality is regarded as alternative. 

What I am suggesting here for entrepreneurs and professionals, is deeply out of my own experience traveling through the diverse worlds of humanitarian work, activism and business endeavours. I am fast learning that the idea to separate both the spirit and human body for the sake of efficiency is a great mistake of our time. I too, though my foundation is in social entrepreneurship, I too have made it a new journey to deepen my work in spirituality. Thus I have so much, I would like to open up to you as a possible blueprint to guide you when creating your own model for your work.

Spirituality brings balance to business

Spirituality in entrepreneurship or business would mean to revisit our own beliefs about what business and entrepreneurship is and how our humanness connects with it. Our humanness brings the spirituality into the space of economics. We have the abilities in our own individual space to redesign what the status quo is. We have the ability to embrace a deepened holistic process.

When we 1.) become self aware, 2.) learn to calm the noise in your mind, 3.) set our intentions, 4.) harness our inner light, 5.) deprogram from our comfort zone, 6.) learn to exercise compassion, 7.) feel empathy, then channel this accumulated energy into your work space, you for sure can become the fullest entrepreneurs you can be. On this path, we will begin to explore how to practice these and learn how to apply them in our business.

Join us – spirituality in Business through Deep Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs.

If you feel that how you spend over one third of your daily life at work is valuable and you want it to be purpose driven,  then join me as we learn together how to transcend into spirituality in entrepreneurship. I will explore this concept from a very indigenous, obviously African indigeneous approach.  I have created a special newsletter signup for those who specifically want to explore this journey with me. 

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Cheers with love, 


I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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