Imagine you had a very clear idea or picture of who you want to be in 10 years, but when you look at where you are now, you are overwhelmed about the possibility that you will become that person. Being overwhelmed might come from your not being able to see a clear route that would take you to become that person in 10 years. This is exactly when you need to do a bit of planning. From my experience it is extremely more effective to work backwards from your goal to where you are now.

We live in world that is very uncertain and it is pretty scary when you can’t plan and control your way to security, the job you want, let alone to the perfect life because it is hard to picture right now what a perfect life would look like. Because we are human and are influenced by our environment,  our heart desires may change. But remember that here is no one route or plan to get to your goal , vision or dream. Be open and creative. I often use a shitty plan strategy. I call it shitty because there is no rule, just freedom.

The purpose of this type of planning is to map out strategies and discover your different routes, meaning options  to achieving a single milestone within your vision. Contrary to following a strict timetable, a shitty plan must give you that short term guide to wake up every morning with clarity of what you have accomplished the day before, what you intend to accomplish today and what you want to accomplish tomorrow.

Are you  prepared to create your own opportunities that would take you to where you want to be? In other words, you don’t search for the perfect job, you create it — either within an existing organization or on your own. It is a radical and different approach but it is a strategy based on your real desire. How do you complement your plan with strategies to discover your options and create opportunities consistent with your desire. Join our business lab  if you want to explore these strategies and learn how to build your shitty plan.

Please feel free to leave a comment. Follow me on instagram @iamjoadre.




I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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