Online business – content creation as low capital digital marketing

In this blog series about online business, you will learn about a good legit online business opportunity that you can develop with very low capital – content creation. Content creation is an online business and a digital business or digital marketing strategy used by so many individuals and businesses to connect to old and new potential paying customers. Your title can be content developer or content creator.  

What is a content creation business?

Content is any creative process where you come up with or generate topics, themes, concept ideas that appeal to a target audience, often the customer. Content for online business could be distributed in different forms. I have listed the major formats beneath; 

  • text which is written content: Content that you create can be published or presented to the target audience in different forms. We talked about written content as text, which you can present as a blog, as a slide presentation or an article. 
  • visual content: Visual content you can present as a vlog, video, graphics and so on. Check out my video on Youtube about creating content for online business, that is a typical visual content form. 
  • audio content: You can stick to audio which can be presented as a podcast, audio file and there are many platforms to distribute this content.  
  • a mixture of 2 or all the different forms.  

In another blog and in another YouTube video I will share the top 3 platforms to distribute your audio content. So make sure to follow me on Youtube and Instagram not to miss out on these free strategies. . 

Your skill set to activate!

Your major skill set required to start this business is research ability, ability to work online, analysing ability, creative thinking, articulating and writing or producing the actual end product which is the content. Writing is important. Check my blog on basic for creating a blog content. I have seen people just copy and paste the content of others, that’s not innovative. It’s actually stealing! If you want to develop an income stream in this business, you have to do the work to create innovative content that would bring in paying clients to your or for the business client you create content for. In another video on my YouTube channel, I will talk about intellectual property, how to protect your content and why to or why /when not to bother. 

How do you start the business?
  • To start this income venture, you would need to identify who your audience is.  Who do you want to create content for? For the end user or for business clients? Would they be the end consumer like you reading this blog or would they be a business consumer who then connects that content to their audience? So you see, you can venture into content for the end consumer, meaning you publish the content by yourself or you can create content for other businesses, which are then your business clients and they publish the content. Check out the blogs on that by clicking the highlighted text respectively!
  • Research the content that is needed by the audience you want to target.
  • Get your startup gear ready and this is where we will estimate the cost to start this venture. A new blog on startup gear for content creation business is on its way. 

In another blog about side income with content creation, I explained 2 different ways to start thug business. No matter which way you choose to start this business, you will need to create some influence and name for yourself to be able to get business clients or to be able to attract paying end target clients. To create influence from zero, I advise you to start releasing content today.

Start small, by publishing content on Quora, facebook or Linkedin in for example. There is basically no investment for now. This business idea is a low capital side income business. Later you can create your own website and publish the content there. You can grow by optimising your website to generate traffic and then monitise the traffic. More on this growth strategy on my youtube channel. 

3 Key takeaways from this blog 
  1. The skill set you will need is something you can grow. Basically developing topics and ideas for a content is the end result you want to achieve. 
  2. You can decide to start by creating content directly for the target audience you identify or you can create for business clients and get paid. 
  3. You can start now by using specific social media channels to release your first content. Consistency is what would bring in the cash!

Hey, thank you so much for stopping by and reading through to the end. I really appreciate it, because it takes so much work to research, try out this stuff and then put together what works as a blog. This is an example of content created by me. Hope you liked it. If you did, remember to share this blog on social media. Yes, more free training and videos on this topic will be out this month on YouTube. Not to miss out,  subscribe and turn on the notification on Youtube. It would be nice if you follow me on instagram as I share daily strategies and personal fun stuff. I am on facebook as well but to get it all in one place, subscribe to my free newsletter. Drop your comments, questions, feedback beneath using the comment section and I will be happy to answer your questions in my next video or blog

Look forward to hearing from you soon!




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I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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