Lucrative online business ideas to start from home

In my previous blog from last week – 12 online business ideas for students, I listed these 12 ideas and encouraged Nigerian students to start now. Why?  Because in 2023, over 85% of Nigerians will be online and that will create a massive opportunity. In this blog, I want to encourage stay home parents to look into these 12 online business ideas. I will only give very short details about the 12 ideas and also highlight some major skills you will need for the respective ideas. If you want to know more about specific ideas, you have to subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on the notifications because I will go into details about each single online business idea and how to start them in Nigeria.

12 online business Ideas and short explanations
  • Affiliate marketing: You register with brands that offer affiliate links and prospects, promote a product or service online and get commissions if someone buys.
  • Network marketing: You promote a product or service to your network, also offline and get commissions. More often there is multi-level-marketing involved, where you build a sales network and get commissions from what they sell too.
  • Content marketing/Developer, including copywriting: You develop content (text, visual, audio or mix) for other businesses to market their product. The businesses pay you for this service. I have a blog on this online business idea. Check my blog on content marketing business ideas.  Also copy writing falls under this category, just that you specialise in text format.
  • Social media marketing: You manage the social media accounts of others and get paid to do so.
  • Search engine digital marketing: You optimise the websites and contents of others to be published on google, youtube and get paid to do so.
  • Website design & management: You create a website for others and get paid for the service. You can also manage the website for them for more fees. Many people who want to run an online business do not know how to create nor have the time to manage their own website. So this is where you come in.
More online business ideas to start now
  • Drop shipping: You create your own platform and present manufacturers products. If you get orders, the manufacturer delivers and you get paid.
  • Photography marketing: you develop a network for photographers, get their pictures and sell them on platforms like iStock etc. Most platforms allow selling of commercial and editorial images. You can also sell these pictures to cooperate businesses.
  • B-roll marketing: You develop video materials called B-rolls and sell them on platforms that sell video footage to journalists or businesses. Most of the platforms for photography also sell B-rolls.
  • Blogging: you develop your own platform and begin to blog. After your blog begins to get traffic, you can monetize it. For ways to monetize your blog as an online business, follow me on YouTube.
  • Vlogging: You  create video consistently and build a channel or video platform. After your platform begins to get traffic, you monetize it. Platforms recommended are YouTube and Instagram, depending on your type of content and that target audience.  For ways to build a video platform as an online business and monetize your blog, follow me on YouTube.
  • Video editing: You can offer editing services to content producers and businesses. They pay you a fee for the job delivered. Content can be transferred (up and downloaded) using online tools, which means you can do this anywhere.
What skills do you require to start any of these businesses?

Now the general skills you will need for any of these online business ideas as a student will be the ability to navigate the internet, access to the internet. Access must not be that you own a subscription or a computer. You can use internet cafes.

Specific skills for the specific online business ideas.
  1. Affiliate marketing: online marketing skills
  2. Network marketing: Management skills to build a team, ability to talk to others to introduce products.
  3. Content marketing/developer,  including copywriting: Writing skills. Graphic  design and/or video skills if you offer quail content. You can collaborate with others who have some skills you do not have.
  4. Social media marketing: Social media skills.
  5. Specific digital marketing: Google marketing knowledge. Analytical skills.
  6. Website design & management: Ability to design websites. Maybe wordpress skills for beginners.
  7. Drop shipping: Ability to design websites. Maybe wordpress skills for beginners.Online marketing skills. Product presentation skills.
  8. Photography marketing: Online skills. Network of photographers.
  9. B-roll marketing: Online skills, Network of Videographers.
  10. Blogging: Writing skills. SEO skills.
  11. Vlogging: video making skills. SEO skills.
  12. Video editing: Editing skills. Online skills.
3 takeaways from this blog
  1. You should start now as a stay home parent or underemployed person. More people are coming online!
  2. Start learning new skills.
  3. Access to the internet si skey to develop these ideas, so you can find ways to save to get your own computer as this would make you more flexible.

Hey, thank you so much for stopping by and reading through to the end. I really appreciate it, because it takes so much to put this together. Hope you liked it. If you did, remember to share this blog on social media. Yes, more free training and videos on this topic will be out this month on YouTube. Not to miss out,  subscribe and turn on the notification on Youtube. It would be nice if you follow me on instagram as I share daily strategies and personal fun stuff. I am on facebook as well but to get it all in one place, subscribe to my free newsletter. Drop your comments, questions, feedback beneath using the comment section and I will be happy to answer your questions in my next video or blog.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!



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I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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4 must do before your start your online business in Nigeria

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