Plan to travel out? Take care!

I recently met people who were so keen about travelling out of the country because of one reason or the other. You might think it is unfair to watch your friends fly in, fly out, like they are boarding a bike to the junction to get barbecue. Well for some, the west is a ticket away and for others a quick visa would enable them lighten their wallets in Italy, brush up their cvs in the UK, or while away time on the beach side Miami. The hard truth is that, for many, that is not the reality and that is why they just need to be super creative.

No plan, then why travel?

Well, the funniest thing about some people I spoke with about travelling abroad, is that they are ready to compromise everything without having a clear plan of what they would actually do abroad.  Ask them where they would work, live or what they would do in their leisure time,. No clue. All they are focused on right now i sto get there first. Well then what? We may be blinded by blockbusters and romantic films, or by celebrity post or some annoying regular facebook updates of some people we know who are pretty much idle abroad,s o they spend their time posing near cars that they have never sat inside to show off on social media. These thing mislead and create a perception that Europe, America, Canada, name it, is all rosy with arms wide open welcoming us with a red carpet grand opening.

Last summer holiday, I was in Croatia and I met an educated elderly man with a doctorate degree from Ghana who worked as junior cleaner at the holiday residence.  “After my university degree, I boasted around saying, I would never work as a cleaner in Accra” He said to my gazing right into his eyes like I was searching for a mirror to see the reflection of myself. But instead, in his dark brown eyes I saw regret and gratefulness tangle to become one emotion  as we continued our deep conversation about the failing government in Africa and the enthusiastic youths embarking on a mission to paradise through the sea. It was a magical moment for me but not magical in a very romantic positive way, but magical in a way that I had the opportunity to see what I could become if I do not take action. I could become a regretful but grateful old woman in a foreign country I have made home.

Do your homework!

Anyway, I would conclude by encouraging my friends who want to travel out, to do their homework. There are thorns of issues like social security, residence permit, work permit, cold****(this is the one I dislike most), housing, culture, discrimination, lack of opportunities, name it. Yes there are upsides, but as well, down side. Share your thoughts beneath my youtube video and subscribe to my channel as I bring you lots of infotainment from around the world.

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Cheers, Joana

I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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