Joadre Editorial

Joadre Editorial team is an international mix of experts in the field of human rights, entrepreneurship and global politics. We are passionate to educate and create equity for Africans and the Africa continent.

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Harnessing Global African Power & Diaspora Remittances for African Development.

Explore global African power and diaspora remittances. 160 million Africans diasporas forwarded more than $95 billion in remittances.

Be persistent | The Inspiring Journey of Pierre David Guetta.

Greetings, aspiring artists! Imagine being born in the 1960s and starting your career as a DJ at the young age of 16, just like many talented Nigerian artists do. You work hard, MCing and energizing the...

3 Low-capital Business To Launch In Africa In 2024

Launch a Low-Capital Business from either of these 3 ideas despite infrastructural challenges. And here is how! 

Unleashing Opportunities: Harnessing the Creative Industry for Job Creation in Nigeria

5 no-brainer incentives to make Nigeria's creativity become a driving force for positive change and sustainable employment.

Use The Funding List Of The JoadreTRIBE App

Find funding programmes that are both local, national, and international. Learn how to leverage the information in our app.

Business Plan To Make Your Charity Financially Sustainable

Learn how to use a traditional business plan strategy to raise funds and build your humanitarian project. Clarity and message is all!

Done With Carpentry Vocational Training? Here Are 5 Lucrative Business Variations

Carpentry is a valuable skill, but how do you start a business? Explore these 5 low-capital options and how to start.

5 Practical Steps To Launch A No-Capital Affiliate Marketing Business.

Is starting a business with zero capital in Africa possible? Yes, it is. Try Affiliate marketing business and here is how to start.

Find Your Uniqueness With Our Xperience Mapping Tool

Do you want to stand out? Learn how to bring your uniqueness to any project or idea using JoadreTRIBE Xperience mapping tool.



How to capture your best business ideas.

Life in Africa is beautiful, especially if you have financial resources and access to a profound social network. But what if you come from...

7 unbelievable 21st century questions to ask!

18 months march through the desert, 2 years in Lampedusa refugees camp, 4 years in spain on the streets, 3 years in italian on the streets...

Science and Spirituality on Meditation. PT 2 – Deep Health

Enhance your cognitive ability and health with meditation. Here is what I learned and how I advise you to go about developing this practice.

Work yourself out of your comfort zone.

Learn to use the power of visualisation to get yourself out of your comfort zone, because that is where great things happen. Where focus goes, energy and action follows. The things you might seem not to be able to do, becomes doable. This is how!

Tertiary. Education System in Nigeria, Part 6

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes One of the most successful ventures in human history has been the investment in education. It not only offers...