Some say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Meaning anyone seeing a thing can judge it beautiful or not! Isn’t that interesting? Judging by the Oxford dictionary which defines beauty as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight” or even by Wikipedia which says just the same as Oxford, it seems almost not possible to attain that standard. As the first question then is, who sets the standards?
Clock tick and it fades!
However, one thing that is common here is that the eye (sight) is a factor where beauty is concerned. But this is the outer beauty. As the biological clock of a man or woman ticks, the outer beauty fades away. I have good news! There is another dimension to beauty and yes, you must have heard this a million times. sorry I inevitably have to repeat it because it is so powerful – The inner beauty of you.
The beauty that goes beyond the eye.
The inner beauty. It is about having a beautiful mind, heart and pretty soul. Inner beauty comprises of your mentality, physical power and spiritual strength. Mentality in deed is key as it affects your physical power and spiritual strength. All interconnected. There are many ways to look at inner beauty from how a person thinks (mindset or mentality) and the state of health of a person to the quality of soul of that person. I know it sounds wired to even attempt to define the quality of a persons soul.
These are just a few qualities your inner beauty could have.
- Kindness: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature
- Gentleness: the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered.
- Modesty: the quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities.
- Purity: freedom from adulteration or contamination. Especially when talking about the heart.
- Generosity: the quality of being kind and generous.
- Humility: the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.
- Honesty: the quality of being honest i.e free of deceit; truthful and sincere.
- Confidence: a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
The inner beauty has a great impact on the outer beauty. The way a person thinks reflects on the outside through character. A person filled with positivity towards life would definitely have that outward glow. But as an entrepreneur, working to develop your inner beauty is crucial to the success of your ventures. Why? read the qualities around the inner beauty and then tell me if applying these to your customer service, to your team building to your partnership network would not attract more revenues.
How inner beauty can earn you more revenues.
When you bounce confidently into that meeting, you are sure to get what you want. Particularly a person who is self confident has an aura of positivity amplifying whatever the outward appearance is. If you show modesty and kindness towards your employees, you are sure to keep them inspired. Say you handle the delicate conversations with your customers with gentleness and humility, you are sure to have a higher retention rate. Honesty will make your partner always entrust their deals with you. So you see, I am not only encouraging you now to begin this self work but also to know that it will pay off, even in cash. I would encourage you to enrol for this free master class “DEBUNK” where you can begin to work on some of these qualities.
The state of health of a person is also a factor that affects one’s beauty from the inside out. A healthy person glows! So true beauty is having the inner and outer beauty. It is advisable to spend more resources in grooming one’s inner beauty because this is what can stand the test of time. As a business analyst I have seen way too much people invest in the outwards, though important, but I encourage you now to invest just as much in that inwards beauty of yours. Hope you liked this article? If you did please keep sharing so that we can impact more lives together.
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So loving this article. Thank you @itohan for this.