Become successful! Try this simple master technique.

One thing you ought to realize is that the most successful people didn’t get to where they are by accident; they had a plan that they implemented.  In this blog, I want to expose you to a simple technique that would make you become successful – Implementation. 

What is implementation?

Implementation is the process you take to put a plan or idea into effect. Which means you actually do the work. Implementation is the opposite of talking and imargining. To become successful you must take actual steps that are aligned with the results you want to achieve. Executing a plan that will lead to success comes from the small daily goals you’ve already set for yourself. These daily goals sum up to become your success. 

Ideas alone will not make you successful. 

Take the trees and chairs example. Trees are natural resources, just like the minerals, gold, crude oil and all of those things we did not create ourselves. If you have them in abundance does not guarantee that you will be able to create a good life for yourself and your community. If you believe in God as the supreme being, then this is for you. We can agree that God made the trees not chairs. 

Which servant will your emulate?

This brings to mind the parable of the 10 talents in the bible –  a master gave all his servants varying amounts of talents and travelled, the other servants maximized their own potentials and turned profits while the last servant  buried his, so that he ended up being cast out. Which of these servants would you emulate? You have an opportunity now to identify your talents (those skills you are born with or that comes natural to you) and the chance to gain new skills. With these skills you can tap into the extraordinary environment you find yourself. 

Free yourself from excuses and take the dem responsibility!

The environment you find yourself in might katapult you into an autopilot state where you find excuses and hold the “environment” responsible for your predicaments. You have to actively check yourself and free yourself from the automated excuses popping up everytime. Learn to take responsibility as much as possible, even when you feel it is not your responsibility. The simple practice of taking responsibility ignites your ability to take action. 

Journal your ideas to create a visual documentation!

When you find yourself burning with one idea, first things first. Write it down. This is called journaling. It is an ancient technique of freeing yourself from the burden of nursing a particular idea. When you carry an idea for too long, it evaporates to give space for another fresh idea. The old idea is neglected. If care is not taken, the fresh idea will suffer the same predicament the old one did. To avoid curating your own idea graveyard, you must write out your idea. When you do so, you now have a visual documentation of the idea. 

Explore the backwards goal technique to become successful. 

You can use the backwards goal technique to know what next to do. This is the stage where I would ask you to work on a plan or strategy document for that idea. If it is a business, check our plan structure in a previous blog to learn more. 

When you outline the steps or milestones from the idea to where you are right now, you will see a million things you have to actually do to make this real. Start with the next logical milestone of that list. In future blogs, I will expand on this implementation technique more. 

Ley takeaway on how to become successful

Not to miss out, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to know when we post the next blog on this matter. Meanwhile, let’s summarise some key takeaways; In order to activate success you need to take advantage of every opportunity and natural gift that you have – and at times you may need to go and learn a skill or two. Journal your idea and work backwards identifying the milestones you need to get from where you are to the journalled idea. Start with the next step of your milestone. I hope you liked this piece of inspiration. It’s 2021 and we should be creating more successful businesses. Remember to follow me on Instagram and visit our media page to watch some of our free business training videos. 



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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