“Lets Stand Tall” By Ngozi Ijimakinwa’s | Why We Must Empower The Girl Child

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Why should you care about the girl child? Afterall, would she not get married and become the responsibility of another family? This is the logic of many parents. Think about it, many populations are made up of around 40-60% female. So the girl child is basically half the human population. Is it not common sense then to care about half the human population? Nigerian film producer and social activist Ngozi Ijimakinwa initiated the “Lets stand tall” project to create awareness and educate young girls.

Still, more males enrol to further higher education

There has been a recent increase in the proportion of female students enrolled in elementary schools. However, female admission rates to tertiary institutions are lower than male admission rates. This clearly shows that females face more barriers accessing higher education than males. Unfortunately, due to lack of funding or support from their parents who think they will get married soon, many young girls do not complete secondary school. No wonder a bigger percentage of women enrol in part-time programs at tertiary institutions, where they can work and support themselves because no one else is willing to, Ngozi tells us as we meet her in Lagos, Nigeria for an Interview. 

Ngozi Ijimakinwa, producer & Social activist

Ngozi is the founder of Diva’s Dynasty show and Let’s Stand Tall Foundation, has been an advocate for programs that assist female empowerment for these. She has been doing this by employing scheduled events, movies, books, TV shows, and interviews. 

“I was invited to a school around Orile, Lagos. After the talk, some of the girls came to meet me and shared some things that were really scary. How even their parents are the ones who push them out for sexual trade. You know, “go and get money, I have trained you”, these are 15 and 16years old girls. Some of them went to public schools, their parents didn’t really pay for anything, they didn’t train them. Not just the society now, but their parents are the ones pushing them out for sexual gratifications and sex for money. I decided that okay, something needs to be done! This inspired the foundation of “Let’s Stand Tall”

“go and get money, I have trained you”, these are 15 and 16years old girls…”

Ngozi Ijimakinwa

Watch Full Interview Now on JoadreTribe App.

There is progress, but there is much work ahead!

The reality is that discrimination against women in Nigeria has persisted for many generations; examples include early marriage, a lack of educational and employment opportunities, and domestic abuse, among other things. Yes, there is remarkable improvement in the cities. Young women are taking their place in society and role models are evolving. But more needs to be done, especially at an early age. Empowering young girls will contribute to the resolution of several social problems in Nigeria. It will enable a more inclusive live, one that is free from all sorts of discrimination. 

Young girls need to be accorded dignity and respect

In order to empower the girl child, everyone, including their mothers must adopt a different attitude toward the role of females in our society. Equal access to opportunities is not enough as there is much catching up to be done. It is about ensuring that they are accorded dignity and respect in all areas of life as their male counterparts, irrespective of ethnic or religious backgrounds. There is much awareness to be done and Ngozi has taken it upon herself to start educating girls at a very young age. 

“Prior to Let’s Stand Tall, a life-changing program for female public secondary school students between the ages of 15 and 18 that promotes sexual integrity, character growth, and gender excellence. I used to host a program called Diva’s Dynasty where we interviewed successful women from various walks of life. We talk to them to also encourage these young girls, like you can! Some of them didn’t have parents who saw them through, some of them didn’t even go to school but they are better now in society.”

Some of them don’t have parents who see them through

Ngozi Ijimakinwa

Read Full Interview in our Magazine – JoadreTHRIVE coming out in December 2022


  • Introduction: With all that is happening in our society, ranging from physical abuse, drug abuse to rape and prostitution to illegal migration and suicide, there is an urgent need to empower and educate the very young vulnerable generation, hence the need for “LET’S STAND TALL
  • What is Let’s Stand Tall?: Let’s Stand Tall is a life changing seminar for female students in Public Secondary Schools (SSS Classes). It is an empowerment and educative seminar designed to promote sexual integrity, character development and gender equality according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • The Target Audience: Public Secondary School students, from age 15 to 18
  • Reach so far: More than 500 students from different public secondary schools in one place

Empowered girls become liberated women

When a girl child is empowered, their immediate communities profits from it. But that is not all, it overflows into the entire nation as a whole. They grow up to become women who are liberated from dependence on men. They are in the position to have a voice in their community, and contribute to economic development as well as host other benefits to society. Through her Diva’s Dynasty and Let’s Stand Tall projects, among other initiatives, Ngozi has begun her own path toward the empowerment of young women. And She believes everyone, irrespective of where you are, has an opportunity to contribute. Female children are extremely crucial to the development of Nigeria as a country. We’ve seen how this will spur economic expansion, but even more crucially, it will help build a brighter future for our children, which is what we all want for them. 

Make a difference and join Ngozi

Contribute to our community by registering in our app, download and watch the full interview with Ngozi Ijimakinwa when it is out. If you want to support her work, you can connect with us through the “News” section- click Interested to show your interest and we will get back to you. For IOS users, a webapp version and IOS version is on its way, sign up for our newsletter here to know when it’s out and get the consistent ressources via email. If you already have ideas on how to empower the girl child and you need templates to help you develop the ideas, you can check our Joadre Tools

Thank you for reading to the end. 



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