3 reasons to start – Entrepreneurship 101 series

If you want to venture into entrepreneurship, but are afraid that  the risk might be very high, the capital too much and maybe you will suck at it, here are 3 reasons why I think it is still worth a try, but before let’s understand what entrepreneurship is.

What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running an idea that is either in the form of a business, venture or simply a project. You are an Entrepreneur if you can find and act upon opportunities that you then transform into products and services. Your sole aim is to create value to your audience or consumers.

Venturing into entrepreneurship gives you some amount of freedom as you become your own boss, but it also comes with a huge amount of responsibility, as you have to pay your own bills and maybe employees later. So I understand if you feel that stomach ache just by the thought of entrepreneurship!

Beneath are some reasons why you should start now and also start with what you have. Yes, I said it, start now with what you have because if you wait, you might never start. You can read my previous blog on how to start your business with what you have if you feel like it is impossible.

You can control your destiny.

When you work a 9-to-5, you’re at the mercy of your boss and the company you work for. They can decide to hire or fire you, they decide how you spend your eight hours or more every day. You have little control and in exchange, they give you a paycheck. Do not get me wrong, a fixed job, a consistent salary and stable work hours are valuable to many people, and even needed in our economy. However, if you feel like you cannot grow or you feel trapped in that fixed structure, then take control by venturing into entrepreneurship. And by the way, you must not quit that job today, today to be able to start your own. I will share more content about “should I quit my 9 to 5”? “How to start while in a fixed job” and such,  on my YouTube channel.

Make pension paradise

Gone are the days of working at a company for years and retiring with a pension. Actually, depending on what country you live in and for whom you work. In some countries, the private sector hardly makes provision for adequate pension. My Mum has been a teacher in Edo State all her life. She turns 60 next year, guess what? She has no pension.

I did not want to include the public sector, but I would because it is annoying. My grandmother worked her whole life at the Nigerian prisons, a government job and retired as a Lieutenant and sorry, her pension cannot take care of her. So today, entrepreneurship is your pension plan! Do you want to start at 60 or would you rather start building now, so that pension becomes paradise? To help you expand your ideas about what to start, here is a blog on great ideas to start with low capital.

Impact lives even after you’re gone!

When you build your dream business,  it can carry on to your kids and their kids. Well that’s if they want to venture into the same line as you did. If that’s the case, then you will be extremely lucky! If not, you can sell off the business and leave them the capital to explore. Still a legacy left behind! But let’s assume your kids are so excited to take after your footsteps, what starts as a quest for freedom can end as something that’s in your family for generations. If your business is started out of something you are passionate about, that passion will impact lives for years and generations. You can leave your children something you’re proud of.

3 key takeaways from this blog
  1. Entrepreneurship is designing, launching and operating an idea.
  2. You can start with what you have and begin to build your business or project even while still in your 9 to 5.
  3. This is why you should give this a try: control your destiny, impact lives and enjoy pension paradise.

Hey, thank you so much for stopping by and reading through to the end. I really appreciate it, because it takes so much to put this together. Hope you liked it. If you did, remember to share this blog on social media. Yes, more free training and videos on this topic will be out this month on YouTube. Not to miss out,  subscribe and turn on the notification on Youtube. It would be nice if you follow me on instagram as I share daily strategies and personal fun stuff. I am on facebook as well but to get it all in one place, subscribe to my free newsletter. Drop your comments, questions, feedback beneath using the comment section and I will be happy to answer your questions in my next video or blog.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!




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  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joadreofficial/
  • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/joadretv
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjoadre/
  • Joadre blog: https://joadre.com/blog/
  • Joadre Newsletter: https://joadre.com/newsletter/



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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