
I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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Its our right to demand equality!

Women should earn less because they are less intelligent? Weaker? Dumb? I guess Korwin-Mikke never heard of Valentina Tereshkova who visited space while he was still struggling to understand his masculine privileges or neither has he heard of  Liala...

More Than Ever, 45 Million People Are enslaved! Modern slavery

But for who do they have to work for?. Who are they salves to?. Who do they produce for or render services to?. Apart from the person or network directly profiting from their work by...

Your clothes can prevent trafficking. My TEDx Talk

Oh yes, I felt moved and empowered by the multiple feedback in black and white, in a glass with my name on it. These positive feedback affirmed my vision to restructure global cash-flow in the retail of consumer goods, to increase the income margin for people actually making our goods.

If you can not share knowlegde then start with a smile!

Sharing is caring, is that not what they say. Learn how to share your knowledge and let others rise with you.

Dreams Drown In The Mediterranean – migration.

Here is a story of a Nigerian man who migrated to Lybia years ago but got stuck in the war zone. “I couldn’t go back to Nigeria – the way south was blocked – so I met some people in Tripoli who said they knew how to get to Italy.



How African Entrepreneurs Can Create Equitable Economy.

7 questions to help you build a value chain and 7 issues we must address to win our space as African entrepreneurs.

#ENDSARS, Lamentations to Songs Of Protest. Breakdown

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Genesis - How it all Began The #Endsars protest started in 2017 and lingered till this present moment as a...

4 Ways To Find Great Business Ideas 

Learn simple ways to find great business ideas that work for you. Be a trendsetter. Explore books. Listen. Revise your assumptions.

Looking For Lucrative Business Ideas? Use JoadreTRIBE app

Finding a lucrative business idea can be daunting, but with JoadreTRIBE, we've got you covered. Join the TRIBE.

Staring off on YouTube. Lots of business ideas coming up soon!

As a mother of two amazing kids, I know how quickly you could forget about self love when your plate is full and you are enthusiastic to create sustainable income streams for your family. I want to share strategies to help you grow income streams but also stay healthy and create impact while you do so.