Fear of failure? This is how to stay courageous!

We are often overshadowed by the fear of failure, especially  when we want to start something that really matters to us. A great sign to know that it is the fear of failure rising up within you, is when you begin to think about how it might NOT work. How you might make “unforgivable” mistakes. You actually consider the thought of what people will think about you, maybe they will think that you are foolish. Then your stomach has those ugly butterflies stirring fear inside. 

How to conquer the fear of failure!

Maybe you have to learn more. Yes, it is ok if you do not have all the answers when you start. You do not have all it takes right at the beginning. But soon you will know, if you take the next logical step to start. That is the secret. Doing the next logical thing or set of actions.

In every area of our lives, we are confronted with fear. In fact, fear makes us humans. Nobody teaches you to cope and deal with your fears. Neither does anyone tell you that that could be your greatest tool for action. Fear. Yes, I said it. When you feel those ugly butterflies in your stomach by the mere thought of doing something that your rational brain knows is good for you, then it’s fear trying to sabotage you. 

It is true that sometimes those uggly butterflies are just there to protect you from danger but you know the difference. If there is something you always wanted to do but you are afraid to do it, then recognise the fear holding you back. Fear often comes in many diverse packages, like excuses, procrastination, lies about how difficult it is and so on. 

Here is a logic example.

Look at a simple logic, we all know that our way of life now is bad for the environment. But what are we doing? We still consume exactly the same way. Ok some are making a real sincere effort to change. But what is holding every other person back? Fear! Fear that they would lose their comfy lifestyle. Maybe even fear that their lifestyle might get too expensive and they would not be able to afford it. Or that life might become too strenuous to maintain. Peer pressure – Fear that they may not be cool anymore to their peers. 

Awareness will help counter your fears. 

Well then I have a message for that fear. Tell it to go to hell for now, if you believe there is a hell afterwards.  If not, flush it down the toilet today. Inform yourself about anything new you want to do. Becoming more aware about something helps to transform the fear to a tool of courage. Then the next step is to take the next logical step. Appreciate the small steps, those little advancements you make. 

As an entrepreneur, I see the big picture of where  and what I want to accomplish. But I also really enjoy the little things I do every hour to get there. Like,  I enjoy writing this blog right now. Because, what if today is my last day? Would I allow fear of failure that this blog might not be good enough to prevent me from writing it at all?

I hope I was able to inspire just one person today to flush down that fear. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Give yourself permission to fail. It is great. Fear of failure is a real thing and you are not the only one experiencing it. Remember to watch the YouTube video in German on this topic if you understand German. I have a new video this week on my Youtube channel for our entrepreneurs who want to start their business but do not know what next to do. So check that out. Share your comments and story beneath this blog. Thank you for reading till the end. You will read from me next week. 



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

The Joadre Analysis & Industry Journal

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