Education resource center – Be a JoadreTV Creator!

The consequential shutdown of the pandemic has taught us one major lesson – we have to create up-to-date structures that allow us to give people the best opportunities. This is why we launched our new project with JoadreTV which is an education resource center. Joadre TV, to be officially launched in January 2021, offers young adults access to learn useful skills to build a business and life that they love. Often school forgets to actually teach us what we would need out there in the real world. 

Notwithstanding the inefficiency of our educational structure in Nigeria, we know that there are thousands of dedicated teachers, mentors, professors, motivational coaches, instructors, thematic influencers, entrepreneurs, lecturers and educators out there ready to share with a community of students. We encourage you all to partner with us to become a Joadre creator. In this blog, I want to share the basic information you need to know to become a JoadreTv creator. My team and I want to take this content, wisdom, knowledge, make it exciting, package it to be consumable and offer it to a large audience, because with education, we can awaken the consciousness of our generation.

Learning in Nigeria can be fun with our education resource center

A JoadreTV creator works with our team to design extraordinary tutorials and training content, packaged in a sophisticated streaming style to give our subscribers an interesting experience. Learning must not be boring and hell yes, it can be entertaining. On our platform, subscribers enjoy your content at their own pace and tailored to their current area of interest or need. Our tutorials are specifically designed to promote entrepreneurship engagements of our target subscribers. Entrepreneurship starts with a mindset, continues through personal development and consistent development of the actual technical skills required for the sector. 

Make a difference and enjoy the rewards

Every content we publish gives you revenues as we pay you off for the content we approve. But that’s not the most exciting part. People from all over Africa can tap into the knowledge you share on our education resource center. You expand your student base to online students who might never have the opportunity to take your class or learn directly from you. You concretely help newbies build the life they desire. 

If you want to become a JoadreTv creator, send us your expose using our contact form. Please include “JoadreTV content suggestion” as a subject. An expose captures the essence of your content, so kindly use the text message section to tell us about you and what the content is about including why people should learn it. It should be short and precise. Based on what we read, we will contact you. After we give you a deal to create content, you can begin. 

We look forward to working together. Remember to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates. If you want to know more about online business opportunities or online jobs, you can also read our blog on 12 online business ideas for students.



I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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