
I am Joana, a Nigerian-born Austrian-based entrepreneur and activist. Founded Joadre in 2012 and continue to develop content to engage and empower African SMEs.

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Blueprint To Succeed in 2020

2020 came in a rush for many of us. We barely wrapped up 2019 and here we are almost 3 week in. Nevertheless, I am very excited because I have a whole lot of exciting...

There is greatness in simplicity.

I grew up in a very complex culture where you have to be super creative which on the other hand even leads to more complexity.

Find your power and the secret to success.

I am not going to list out a step or guide as the secret to success. No, I would rather want you to understand how to develop a lifestyle that would bring you lasting success,...

Start a business with what you have

I keep getting people write me saying they do not have capital to start a business. Some even send me these kind of one liner questions – business to do with 100k, best business to...

7 entrepreneurship steps to get great things done!

Especially when I see the loads of work that needs to be done. So how do I cope and keep myself inspired, on track as an entrepreneur? I use my favorite goal-to-habit strategy, that I will share now beneath, but before, I should introduce my 6 key program to you.

Get the glow without bleaching cream.

The issue here is the message that is now prevalent in society about lighter skin being a better option and appearance. There are countless studies that have shown this perception to be in strong existence. Therefore the lifestyle of bleaching strengthens the perception in itself. And please save that argument that white people tan. Yes, many do, but must that be our measurement standards?

10 things to include in your business plan!

Anytime we hear business plan, the name alone could scare us and make us feel like this is going to be a very tedious and non-rewarding process. No it would not! So many people do not really know where to start from. And hell yes, they are justified. How do you start creating a business plan for a business that…

3 Nigerian export products for small scale export business.

Exportation business can be built with services, not only products. If you opt in for products, then channel your focus towards consumer goods. Find ways to approach a product idea with your individual unique perspective. Think outside the box. We are here to assist you.

10 lucrative business ideas in Nigeria.

Finding the right business idea is all about finding a problem you are passionate about to solve. Look deeper into the service industry as there are many opportunities there. Service industry does not really require high capital, and your fixed cost could be as low as zero if you work from home. Ok, maybe internet cost and transportation, some advertising cost and setup of company.



How O’eclat, Nigerian fashion brand is out to enrich lives.

Gbemmy Johnson is the brain behind the African rising handbag brand O’eclat. When Gbemmy started her brand in 2010, she worked with two young...

Essentiality Of Media Training For Entrepreneurs//Pt. 2

Media training is a set of communication skills designed to help people express themselves and tell their stories

Secondary. Education System in Nigeria, Part 5

Understand the Nigerian Educational System. This is part 5 of a 7 part blog series. Secondary education is an integral part of formal education.

How To Find Authentic Business Ideas. You Are Sitting On Gold!

authentic business ideas might just be around the corner. Here are ways to find those ideas that would generate more income. These are low capital strategies.

Grow Your Laundry Business In Nigeria. #5

Learn how to grow a laundry business in Nigeria. This is a 6 part blog series on Business startup and growth.