Want To Develop Your Business Ideas? Use The Joadre 6 key approach.

Do you have so many potential business or income-generating ideas but do not know how to start or even which to run with? We get you! Many creative minds fall into this trap and then find themselves postponing. At Joadre, we designed a 6-Key method that can help you through. The free learning program comes in audio, video (All videos are available in the Joadre Tribe app) or just as text to read around. You can download the Workbook to craft your business ideas here. 

Transform Business Ideas with The 6-Key Program.

We aim to help African entrepreneurs transform their business ideas into profitable ventures. The world is in its digital age, and we must learn new skills. However, there are still some fundamental approaches to business that we must master. Because this approach to planning out a business strategy will remain important no matter where and how you want to grow your business.

You will still need to know what exactly your products or services are. What exactly is your business idea? Is it lucrative? Many questions about which industry, target audience, and how you would roll out your products still need to be answered. With the 6-Key foundation program, you will go through the steps to answer these questions.

What does the 6-Key program cover?

This program would cover 6 major milestones through small step-by-step actions. Every video is a small step that will take you to the next level in developing your idea

  1. Finding the right idea for you.
  2. Creating a business strategy.
  3. How to market your business ideas best.
  4. How to finance your idea.
  5. Leveraging your resources.
  6. It is time to launch your idea.

What is the result of this program? You have a business idea to start with!

Analyse your business ideas. You can do this using what is called the SWOT analysis. Here are a few short videos to help you understand and apply SWOT analysis. More tutorials are in our Tribe app.

Understand SWOT Analysis
Identify Your Strengths
When to carry out SWOT analysis
Identify Opportunities and Threats

Please visit our TOOLS platform to access more free templates to design your ideas.

Connect with us, and get our app.

We created our one-stop digital incubator app to bridge knowledge and service discrepancies for African students and Savvy entrepreneurs looking to start a business. Get the app (Android version) here. For IOS users, a web app is available here at https://tribe.joadre.com. Sign up for our newsletter here to get consistent resources via email. If you want to contact us, use our contact form or consult us through the app. 

Thank you for reading to the end. 



Joadre Editorial
Joadre Editorialhttp://www.joadre.com
Joadre Editorial team is an international mix of experts in the field of human rights, entrepreneurship and global politics. We are passionate to educate and create equity for Africans and the Africa continent.

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